High-quality audio conferencing
I've tried a lot of videoconferencing programs, including Skype and Hangouts. They all have problems, the most important of which is the crappy sound quality. I was looking for a program that would allow me to make professional-sounding interviews through the Internet. Of course there's always the option of doing a double-ender , but that requires more logistics work and some technical ability on the part of your interviewee. I figured that in the age of broadband Internet, there must be an easy way to do live high-quality audio conferences. After considerable trial and error, I finally found what I was looking for: a videoconferencing program called Linphone . Here's what makes it so great: It uses the Opus audio codec for amazing crystal-clear audio, far better than any other codec. Skype and Hangouts sound like crap compared to this. (Of course you also need a proper microphone and recording environment.) It allows easy recording in the native format (no tra...